Fellowship of Narconon ( F.O.N.)

   Read below to join the Fellowship of Narconon. This is the time to take a stand and make a point. Let others know you have overcome addiction thanks to the Narconon program, William Benitez and Mr. Hubbard's rehabilitation technology.

You can make a diffrence and change someones life, so go ahead and do it.

Fellowship: The state of sharing mutual interests, experiences, activities, etc.

Narconon: (NARCOtics- NONe) is a non-profit drug rehabilitation program dedicated to eliminating drug abuse and drug addiction through drug rehab, drug information and drug education.

Contact us at: FON@fellowshipofnarconon.ca

Mission:  The Fellowship of Narconon's was created to join, connect, share and inform society of the wonderful work achieved by Narconon throughout Canada and the world.

By sharing and posting our achievements thanks to the Narconon drug rehab method we can demonstrate the benefits of a 21st century approach towards an age old social problem, drug addiction.


If you have actually stopped being a “drug or alcohol addict” thanks to the Narconon program or parts of it or you simply support a drug free lifestyle you are very welcomed to join this fellowship. Simply click here and send in your "Fellowship Pledge". I know you and others like you and myself truly benefited from this program and it is our responsibility to stand up together and honestly tell the world how good it feels to finally be free from drugs thanks to the Narconon program material, staffs and fellow students. 

 We can make a difference! 

Marc Bernard 


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