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This is my success:

Despite what you may have heard in the media, Narconon saves peoples lives. I worked in a Narconon for many years and was even trained in the methods used to get people off drugs without harmful substitute prescription drugs. I was fortunate to help hundreds of people successfully get off drugs or alcohol. Even the few exceptions that did not make it; when looked into further it was always found that the person a) did not do the program properly, was dishonest or b) never completed the whole program. The knowledge I gained during my time at Narconon has permitted me to move forward in life with confidence and certainty that i will never go back to using drugs. I thank the staff that trained me, the students that supported me and most of all Mr.L. Ron Hubbard who took the time in his life to research the underlying causes of drug addiction and propose a healthy natural means to overcome not only drugs but to gain some self respect for self and others. Thank you, MB

This is my success:

Narconon, what can I say OMG from the time I walked into the doors as a person that wanted a paycheck, not knowing what I was going to receive as being a person that was part of a team that were saving lives by freeing them from their addictions of what ever it was. This wasn't just a job it was life time work that myself LOVED and that was priceless. The passion and care that I have received from the staff rubbed off on me and went towards my working with people. The biggest thing I can say I know what being a part of a team and helping others is about, putting others before self was what Narconon did it was truly amazing to watch people coming through the doors not knowing the direction they were going and walking out knowing that Narconon helped them in many ways get back their lives. I just know I love and support Narconon 1 million %. - SC

This is my success:

This program works and saves lives. I worked there for many years and have seen broken lives come back to life, willing to live and contribute to a better society. This is truely 21-st century rehab technology. Keep up the good work and you can count on my support. Happy supporter - CP